BIBLE vs




ISIAH 1-19-20  


REVEALED TO APOSTLE  KIMBOWA JOHN PAUL BALYEWUNYA                                                                              




Table of Contents






Chapter One                         Introduction


Chapter Two                         Understanding Leadership


Chapter Three                      Obedience to Leadership


Chapter Four                        Disobedience in the Old Testament


Chapter Five                                    Pride and Disobedience


Chapter Six                          Restoration and Revival  


Chapter Seven                     Personal Testimony


Chapter Eight                       Fruit and Obedience


Chapter Nine                        Obedience and Humility


Chapter Ten                          Results of Obedience


Chapter Eleven                    Results of Disobedience


Chapter Twelve                   Submitting to Authority


Chapter Thirteen                 Qualifications of an Intercessor


Chapter Fourteen                Leadership




By Overseer Bishop Joshua Murefu, from  Bwaise  Evangelical Church, Kampala, Uganda.


Good leadership is a directive from our Lord and leaders must set the  example because their  followers must grow  and reach spiritual   maturity.  I have had the privilege of hearing Apostle John Paul Balewunya ministering and seen him live out what he preaches.


Obedience and submission to authority is a key to prosperity, may the Holy Spirit bring you to a deeper understanding of leadership as you read this vital book.




This book is dedicated to Revival God's Knowledge Foundation  Mission/Church Council, to my dear wife Josephine Nassola Balewunya and the Elders at large, who stood by me in love, prayers,  inter-cession and advice. Not forgetting many others that have also contributed.





Special thanks to Pastor Wayne Joseph de Vos and his wife Chantel Senior Pastors and Founders of Soul Care World Mission Ministries,  Cape Town, South Africa for the editing, their  prayers and financial assistance in the printing of this book.



All Scriptures taken from the New King James Version.


There will be a part “A” and part “B” taught on this subject. Part “A” will be taught to the congregations, and part “B” will be taught to the Pastoral and other ministerial  leadership positions.

 Part A





On the 10th day of September 1999, I was waiting upon the Lord when I heard the voice of the Lord saying to me “leadership”.  At this time I could not speak the  English language nor did I have knowledge of  the meaning of the word. In Iuganda I asked the Lord, “What is the meaning of  Leadership?”  In “Iuganda” the Lord answered me,                                                                                                                                                                                                            it means “obukulembeze”. The lord told me that His people in the church think they give Him the glory, yet they don't honor those He places in leadership in His Name, thus they are not honoring Him.



The Lord then told me that He is sending me to go and teach His people in the church  to understand leadership and it's purposes. It is crucial  for them to understand and know their role, so that they  don't give place to  the  enemy  to work through them to attack and breakdown  leaders,  thus hindering  church growth and causing   leaders  not to fulfill their vision.




Understanding  Leadership


When we begin to  understand  Gods purpose for leadership we  begin to understand the wisdom of God.  As we begin to apply the wisdom of  God we are  set free from spiritual  bondages, poverty, disease and the things of the flesh. Ministry and anointing then begins to flow in and through our lives, touching the lives of others.




Obedience to Leadership


To obey God's appointed leaders is to obey God.

God said that if we do not obey those sent in His Name, then we are not obeying Him, when you please those sent in His Name then you are pleasing Him.



Isaiah 1: v 19,20  “When we obey and listen, we shall eat the good things of the earth, when you disobey you will be killed by the sword”.




Disobedience in the Old Testament


God revealed to me that even though  church leaders have been taught much about  leadership, the members in the church are not  taught about submission to God first. Until the church is taught and understands their role in response to leadership, Breakthrough to Revival will not come. As the leader needs to understand those whom he leads, they are also to understand him, this accountability towards one another, reveals understanding in the knowledge of God.


The Israelites (a type of New Testament church) in the wilderness were disobedient and for this reason they suffered much, coming under intense spiritual attack. Out of sixty thousand who journeyed through the wilderness only Joshua and Caleb reached the Promised Land. Even as there was rebellion at that time against the leadership of Moses, so does rebellion continue today because of lack of under-standing. Moses was well trained in leadership when  he grew up in the courts of Pharaoh, yet the people he lead in the wilderness did not understand, nor submit  and respond  to God's appointed leadership, thus they failed both Moses and God.


I request that you take out your bible and read the story of the wilderness journey in Exodus, you will discover that the situation is similar to that in which the church finds itself today. Christians grumble over the leaders today in the same way the Israelites in the wilderness complained against Moses, they did not know that it was God that they were complaining against.


Leaders do make mistakes even the greatest leaders of God have made mistakes, take Moses in the book of Numbers, read Chap 12:v1-16.

When believers are not taught about submission, they don't know how to respond and thus they do not know what was expected from them.   

God revealed to me that this is how the church is in these times, they reject the decisions taken by leaders and because of this they are   sick and have (leprosy worse than that of Miriam, only it is not seen because it is spiritual.)

If you think this could be you and you are convicted by the Holy Spirit, if you confess and repent God will cleanse you from this spiritual leprosy. REPENT AND REVIVE WHAT HAS GONE WRONG.




Pride and Disobedience


God has gifted and appointed leaders to lead and equip, they are   accountable and responsible to God for your spiritual growth and development. If you are not walking in obedience and in unity with God's appointed leadership, then your life in service to the Kingdom of God is falling short of God's expectations, even though you may be preaching, prophesying, planting or pastoring a church.


Good works do not please God, what pleases Him is unity and obedience to those He has raised up to serve and lead in the church. God instructed that the church should be taught much on this subject, the reason being that many people in the church are filled with pride and are exalting themselves.  This is causing problems in the church and hindering the furtherance of the Kingdom of God.



Read the following scriptural examples:  Hebrews 5:v4;

 1 Kings 1:v5-7; 1 Kings 2:v13-25.


Pride and disobedience allows the enemy to come in and disrupt the church. Many have gone on to start churches in disobedience, after causing a split in the church and because dissention is what they have sown this is what they reap later on in their ministries.


The people they lead also begin to disobey, cause splits and start churches elsewhere, founded on disobedience and thus a spirit of disobedience and pride controls the church. The nature of satan is then at work in the church and the character and nature of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the foundation of the church, is not being built on. Pride is the root of many other sins such as envy, immorality, lust and these things keep the church bound in spiritual poverty.


It is only when you are in unity, submission and obedience to the servant leader that God has appointed, that you will experience release and deliverance from these things.




Restoration and Revival


God revealed that He will not allow the character of the enemy disobedience in the church and the revelation of this teaching to the church, is to remove the nature of disobedience from it. The Lord said that if any person in the church had begun a ministry in disobedience, then they were to go back to the Pastor of the church that they left in disobedience, repent and ask forgiveness so that they may be restored. If they act on this then they will revive their ministry by applying the biblical principles of obedience.


Revival will be birthed and fulfilled through obeying the revelations of this two part teaching on leadership.


When you learn to obey the Leader then you will be obeying God, when you are walking in obedience then God will begin to restore your health, domestic and financial problems. If your ministry lacks the anointing God will give it to you.  

The words written in this book are not the wisdom of man but from the Holy Spirit, my prayer is that whoever reads this book will be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is saying, for He will reveal deeper things to you which are not written herein. If you yearn for under-standing and apply what you read you will be set free both materially and spiritually.


God always fulfills His Word, in Deuteronomy it is written that obedience brings blessings. Read Deuteromomy 28:1-14


God said that for a long time the church has been praying for revival, but tha


Hebrews 5: v4 “And no man takes this honor to himself, but he who is called by God, just as Aaron was.”


t it would not come until the teachings of submission to leader-ship in this book are applied in the church. Remember that the people are the church not the building.



Personal Testimony


From the time God first spoke these words to me about obedience to leaders, I began to listen and obey my leader even though she was a woman and unlearned. At that time she was also poor and rude, but I determined not to judge her and instead began to pray and intercede for her and then God began to do a great work in her life. He promoted her and began to prosper and provide for her. This lead to God blessing, anointing and using me in ministry.


God performed many mighty miracles, signs and wonders through me and gave me favour with my Pastor and people. My Pastor loved me very much and she used to pray day and night for me. She shared that she had been a long time in the ministry, and had never encountered anyone who was as obedient to her as John Balewunya.


This pleased her heart and she always mentioned the obedience of Apostle Bulewunya wherever she ministered and because of this, God continued to increase the anointing and pour out His blessings and favour upon me. God continued to reveal Himself to me and confirm that He was pleased with my obedience to His appointed leader.


God revealed that my obedience to His servant was a declaration of my obedience to Himself, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and that because of my obedience I would eat of the goodness of the land.



Isaiah 1:v19.  If you are willing and obedient you shall eat of the good of the land.”



Since this time I have been rich in the Lord, because I obeyed God's leader and thus have been counted as obedient to God. I have been prospering both spiritually and materially and my ministry has produced much fruit and gifts.



Fruit and Obedience


God has said that the present day church operates in the gifts, but is not bearing fruit and this reason there is no great revival. This is why the church needs to be taught to obey its leaders, because in obeying the leaders they are obeying God. Obedience flows from the fruit of the Spirit, and goes hand in hand with the nine fruit of the Holy Spirit.. With both the fruit and the gifts operating the church would be at it's most powerful.


                                                           Chapter 9



Galations 5:v22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, v23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.    


Obedience and Humility


When we read the book of 1 Samuel chapters 15 through to chapter 31 we read of David who gives us a fine example, he obeyed King Saul even though King Saul persecuted and wanted to kill him.


David was mighty in deeds, he delivered